Me: A coffee grinder. For grinding whole coffee beans.
Chickenfight Girl: Huh. I've never seen one. I never buy whole coffee beans.
Me: I don't much either anymore. But I prefer whole coffee beans. Just can't always afford it.
Chickenfight Girl: Why is the stuff in here green? That's not coffee.
Me: Let me look at that. (removes lid, scrapes a fingernail across the green powder and takes a whiff) Nope, that's definitely not coffee.
Chickenfight Girl: What is it? It's not coffee.
Me: Uh...well...You can use it to grind other stuff too. I've used mine to grind corn for tortillas. You could technically grind up a lot of different stuff in there. Wheat, rice, beans...
Chickenfight Girl: So it could be, like, wheat germ or something?
Me: Yeah, wheat germ. Or something.
Chickenfight Girl: Do you want it?
Me: Yes. Thank you.
For those of you who didn't really get the above exchange, please enjoy this picture of Lemuel hula-hooping around the bonfire one recent summer evening:
There's something awesome about watching an almost-7-foot farmer bust a move with a hula hoop. Lemuel is really quite good with a hoop. Lemuel and Shadrack actually make and sell hoops. If you're at a farmer's market in East Alabama/West Georgia and you see two dudes spinning hoops and selling okra at the same time, tell 'em Jackie from Spenardo del Sur sent you. You won't get a discount or anything - it would just be a cool thing to do.