Since my last post I've been working a lot around the old homestead. I also helped Chickenfight Girl butcher a hog - turning it into 172 pounds of delicious sausage. After months of putting it off, I finally killed my rooster, Philosophy, and served him up with pasta to an Alaskan friend, Hal Gage, who came to visit.
On an cold and icy day, a woman slid off the road and crashed her car into a stand of trees in front of Frankencoop. I just happened to be on my way to check the mail when it happened so I got to be first responder. She ended up in the hospital for two days and the car was totaled.
A photo I submitted to last year was among those chosen to be in their upcoming book. Another photo I posted to the blog a couple years ago is going to be used in an episode of A&E's new forensic reality show, Bloodwork. Sadly, there's no money in either of these transactions. Just the glory that comes with a credit.
I missed the lunar eclipse but got to have some cool close encounters with hawks and armadillos. The parents came for a short visit. One of the cats died. One of the goats delivered two babies a month early - one was stillborn and the second lived for ten minutes.
Grandma Guthrie passed away yesterday. She was 89 years old. Her funeral is tomorrow, New Year's Eve.
I've never really posted a photo of Grandma Guthrie - at least not one where you could see her face. But today I will. It was taken this past summer while we were sitting out on her carport.
She was wearing a skateboarding t-shirt that her grandson gave her. I cracked up the first time I saw her wear it and asked "Can I take a picture of you in your boarding shirt?"
She got all huffy and blurted out "No!" Then she muttered "Besides, I don't even own a bathing suit!"
Once she understood what I meant, she consented to the photo.

I'm not real big on New Year's resolutions but I resolve to post more in 2011.